Live Mount describes the process of restoring a full VM from a backup – in a matter of seconds. Rubrik created Live Mount to satisfy lower RTOs while simultaneously lowering the total cost of ownership. If you need to get your data and application back up and running, but your business cannot withstand waiting for a restore, Live Mount is for you.
To fully understand how this works, let’s first explore what a restore is by comparing a well-known backup and restore workflow. Suppose a backup job takes you 1 hour to perform. However, your data gets corrupted and you need to restore. With legacy solutions, a restore could take hours to complete. And every minute that passes with your data down is a financial loss for your business.
In a traditional IT shop, the workaround for faster recovery is investing significantly in tools to speed up your backup windows and deploying replication technologies. These costs quickly accrue for a business.
Rubrik’s Live Mount capability resolves this issue with a single simple interface. I’ll use an example with VMware to see how it works.
Let’s say a critical business application running in a VM dies. This outage largely impacts all of your users. With Rubrik, instantly recover without any data loss; simply choose your latest protection point (snapshot) and execute a Live Mount in just a few clicks.
Rubrik will then promote all of the relevant hot blocks into SSD and present this VM to your VMware environment, powering the machine on within seconds. And yes, even if your business application is several Terabytes, this process takes only a few seconds
But the power of this platform does not stop here. Rubrik also built groundbreaking technology to deliver Live Mount to SQL databases.
If a SQL database is hit by possible data corruption, Rubrik enables instant recovery. Again, you can point to the latest point of protection, and our platform will play back the logs up to the point prior to data corruption (you define the minute and second). This database can then be utilized in parallel to your live database. At this point, you can export data, compare tables, copy what you like, or determine that there is no problem and unmount the Rubrik provisioned database.
Rubrik’s Live Mount extends beyond recovery use cases. The feature also enables easy, accelerated test/dev without impacting production. In a nutshell, this is executed by bringing up the selected recovery point in parallel with your live environment for a quick test, confirmation, functionality test, and then finally a tear down.
With the Rubrik platform, you can boot up, perform your tests, and teardown without having to dedicate additional storage to your environment. Additionally, all this data is deduped, compressed, and encrypted so you that you can do the same across the globe.
These use cases are just scratching the surface, as our friendly and easy-to-use interface combined with API-driven architecture unlocks a variety of use cases and enables you to keep your business running 24/7. In Rubrik, you’ll find a quick and easy platform to pull off massive amounts of work while protecting your business and lowering costs.